Continuing Education
The staff of TKTX all maintain classes of 4-6hrs a week and self directed study 3-6 hours a week. It has been through models like the Paul Creek Curriculum, Salish School of Spokane, Syilx Language House, and mentors through the endangered language revitalization community that have provided guidance, materials and methods in how to continue learning. Without these pillars and trail blazers this road of renewal would have been long. However, it is through the wisdom of our elders, our leaders and communities that allow us to push forward to learn language and share everything that we can.
Self study is hard, but tracking it and having a system is key. Listening to audio, reading, transcribing, or structured and unstructured immersion are excellent self-study modes. Self study practices are inspired by Cree Whelshula of Kwu Cnxi; during one of her captivating presentations.
Structured classes offered from the Paul Creek Curriculum, or Salish School of Spokane Curriculum in delivery allows our staff a foundation to learn from. By structuring our learning we able to maintain focus and mark our progress in achieving that foundation. Its exciting when our staff reach milestones and conversation becomes fluid and not so rigid. Children respond to casual and not formal structured immersion. Achieving on the fly mode when structure is comfortable can be tricky.
Supporting each other in healing.