Blog Post naqs

kʷu q̓ʷliw̓əm tə síyaʔ

kʷu q̓ʷliw̓əm tə síyaʔ

Where ever we go, whatever we are doing we do our best to incorporate language for our boys. Being able to utilize and positively encourage our children to embrace language and culture is the reward. Our family has tried on many different approaches and continue to shift and change to accommodate our ever growing and maturing children.

Allow me to introduce our family. Gabriel Moody of Squamish/Nanaimo/Crow descent, and Hailey Causton of Okanagan/Italian/English decent are the parents to Kasimiwt (age 5), Ksultikn (age 3), and Nxsils (age 1). They live in Westbank and have a dog Nsisyuxn. Our family enjoys time together out on the land, snowboarding and hiking.

Hailey started learning nsyilxcn in 2010 and has continued learning in a multitude of different classes, and platforms. Our hopes as a family is that we can learn and share as much as we can our children will know and have access to resources. Also we hope that we can share our journey with other families and inspire more families to integrate nsyilxcn into their homes. <3 <3 <3 <3


Blog Post ʔasíl